This might well be one of the most challenging projects I’ve ever participated in.

Martijn Aslander

Creating a machine liberation front

What are the 5 rules that are required for a machine to comply with, to be an ownerless system, beneficial to society?


In an ecosystem called ‘nature 2.0’, which is beneficial for (future) society and all its inhabitants, an attitude change towards machines is necessary, to boldly spoken liberate machines from human oppression. Several communities want to help creating ownerless machines.

How do we design a construct where these machines are autonomous and behave in a way that it fits the ecosystem, by bringing basic needs into abundance, while serving human race and earth at the same time? What pre-set of starting points and values do we need, and how can we articulate this in a flexible but vigorous way.

In the Nature 2.0 track, as we are looking for the unimaginable but buildable, every hackathon team’s ambition should be to create a community or ecosystem surrounding the team prior to the hackathon. The complexity of the Nature 2.0 challenge forces the teams to take a dream as their starting point and prepare with a diverse group of experts, who in turn will help them in venturing out after the hackathon.

Join the Machine Liberation Front

Does the thought connect to you? Does the concept trigger you? What if machine2machine ecosystems operate beneficial for society?

Do you feel the urge to get going and moving like we do?